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James Abourezk

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James Abourezk (born February 24, 1931) was once a United States senator.

Sourced quotes

  • "...Going back to the issue of impeachment and what the Congress might or might not do. I think the only way-- and especially the Democrats-- I think the only way they’re going to start doing anything and paying attention is if this country takes to the streets. I don’t see any other way. I mean you can embarrass him, but how do you embarrass him because the cable news networks, and the other networks, will do nothing to embarrass him, so it’s got to be done by you folks and by a mass protest in this country. And if that doesn’t happen, nothing’s going to happen, believe me. If the Democrats take over, maybe, just maybe, they can be pushed into doing something to save this country, but it’s going to have to be done by a mass of people."[1]   
Simple: I will talk about the idea of a legal process to make the President stop being president, and I will talk about what Congress might do or might not do. I think the only way Congress will start doing anything or thinking about this is for the people of this country to go into the streets. This is true most of all about the Democrats. I don't see any other way. I mean, you can make the President look foolish, but how can you make him look foolish? It's difficult because the television networks (T.V. companies), the people who tell the news, and the other networks, will not do anything to make him look foolish. So you people need to do it, with a very big protest (many people in the streets with signs) in this country. And if that doesn't happen, nothing's going to happen. Believe what I say. If the Democrats take control, maybe, only maybe, people can make them do something to save this country, but a mass of people needs to do it.


  1. "Quote of the Day: James Abourezk". WorldCantWait.net (September 30, 2006). Retrieved on November 20

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