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Matthew Bellamy

From Wikiquote
Matthew Bellamy

Matthew Bellamy (born June 9, 1978) is an English rock musician, who is best known as the lead member of the band Muse.

Sourced quotes

  • "September 11 is clearly an inside job, there's massive evidence that suggests that it was either allowed to happen or even worse, deliberately made to happen. There was a document called Project For The New America Century which was made by neo-Con writers in the '90s who supplied most of the agenda that Bush is putting into place now, which clearly says, 'We need a Pearl Harbor-level of event so we can have an excuse to invade the Middle East'."[1][2]
Simple: September 11 was carried out by someone in the government. There is a lot of evidence that the government let the attacks happen or they made the attacks happen. Neoconservative writers in the 1990s wrote a document called Project For The New America Century which is what Bush uses as a guide to run his administration. The document said that America needed an attack like Peal Harbor so we have a reason to invade the Middle East.
