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Sean Hannity

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Sean Hannity

Sean Patrick Hannity (born December 30, 1961) is an Irish-American, conservative talk radio host (The Sean Hannity Show), co-host of Fox News Channel's program Hannity & Colmes, host of the Fox News weekend program Hannity's America, and author of two books.

Sourced quotes

  • "Three hours a day, everyday. That's all we ask."[1]    
What it means: Hannity was saying that listening to The Sean Hannity Show for three hours a day, everyday, is all he asks people to do.
  • "Let not your heart be troubled."[2]    
Simple: Do not worry about anything.
  • "America is the single greatest nation that God ever gave man on this earth."[3]    
Simple: America is the best country God put on earth.


  1. Sean Hannity, Fact-Archive.com.
  2. Mitt Romney Talks with Sean and Alan, FoxNews.com'.
  3. Hannity's America (June 6, 2008)

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